Pittsburgh - Ranked #1 by CNBC as Best City to Relocate To Pittsburgh Pioneers Thrive in the Roaring 2020s! Copyright © 2004-2020 Pittsburgh Pioneers.  All rights reserved.             Privacy policy             Last Updated 12/21/2020 Strategic Consulting

Shared Vision

What’s your vision of the future? Would you like to make your dreams a reality? That’s our dream: To make your dreams a reality.

Throughout history, breakthroughs were achieved by a select few who knew how to take action–and then did.  Early “Pittsburgh Pioneers” like Andrew Carnegie and George Westinghouse hold the secrets to taking your ideas and making them a reality.  Pittsburgh Pioneers will show you how.

Successful projects come from blending multiple visions together into a shared vision, so that all are working on the same overarching project.  We’d like to know more about your vision, and then we’ll tell you how ours fits with yours.

Our vision includes using Pittsburgh’s strengths in education, technology, the arts, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy to create a thriving entrepreneurial hotbed of activity.  Pittsburgh will continue to churn out successful entrepreneurs, scientists, economists, performing artists, and more.  Many will continue to go off to the west coast, New York City, Washington, D.C., or other industrial hubs.  However, amidst all this activity, Pittsburgh will become recognized as a leading source of new start-ups–whether here or elsewhere–and will  become the Capital of the Edutainment Industry.  Of all the cities in America, Pittsburgh is best poised to earn this title.

Don’t just watch this story unfold.  Be a part of it!

We look forward to hearing from you.  Let’s share the vision!

Concern for man himself and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors, concern for the great unsolved problems of the organization of labor and the distribution of goods—in order that the creations of our mind shall be a blessing and not a curse to mankind.  Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations.

—Albert Einstein